Christmas Meet up

Christmas Meet up

Join us for an exciting meet up , why Christmas you may ask? we want you guys to have content to promote for your mini sessions!! Christmas is fast approaching and we all know keeping ahead of the game is best! Can’t wait to see you guys and were super excited

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Cozy Christmas Meet-Up

Cozy Christmas Meet-Up

Join us for our Christmas Meet up! The entire studio will be full of Christmas props/setups , ready for all your Creating!!

Enjoy this meet up to get content and book for your Holiday Minis!!

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Bible & Brunch

Bible & Brunch

Come join us for a light brunch as we fellowship and talk about the Bible! We’ll be going through a light word , get deep and vulnerable and allow Holy Spirit to move! This is not just a ticketed event or a show, we are wanting our studio to be more than a studio! We want to be. the place where people feel safe to create, be themselves and feel like they have a community! He is making New Wine

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This meet up is specifically designed for Photographers ONLY!! How many of us forget to make the time to get updated photos done of ourselves?? Take this opportunity to meet more photographers , socialize and get your photo taken.

During this event the entire studio, props & Client closet will be at your disposal!! Please feel free to dress up or dress comfortably! THIS IS YOUR DAY

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Boho meet up

Boho meet up

Boho themed photo meet up.

Come network with local photographers and get some dope shots for your portfolio.

Event will begin at 10am and end at 12pm

Models will be provided




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